Crested Porcupine (Hystricidae brachyura)

Night Safari Ranger Station

General Information
Feeding and Breeding
Interesting Facts

General Information

Porcupine in Latin means "quill pig" which is a misnomer since porcupines are really large rodents.

Porcupines fall into 2 groups: the Old World (Asia, Africa, Indonesia and South Europe) porcupines (Hystricidae) and the New World (North, Central and South America) porcupines (Erethizontidae).

The Old World porcupines are terrestrial and generally larger (10-30 kg) while the New World porcupines tend to be smaller (3-7 kg) and are arboreal to the extent that some species have adapted by developing a prehensile tail.

The Old World porcupines have an average live span of 20 years while New World porcupines live an average of 10 years.

All porcupines have 4 well-developed clawed digits on their fore foot with a regressed thumb. The hind foot has 5.

The soles of the paws are naked and have pads. They have a characteristic gait of walking on their soles (plantigrade), which makes them appear to be shuffling along.

The terrestrial porcupines can swim while the arboreal types have developed into very good climbers. They have small heads, small eyes, small external ears, short legs and an armour of quills.

It is easily recognised by its extremely long black-and-white-striped quills on the hind part of the back and on the tail. Quills on the head form a crest of long, thin and wiry bristles. The rest of the coat is a mixture of bristles or spines and short hair.

They have enlarged, chisel-shaped upper and lower front incisors that grow throughout their lives. These have hard enamel on the front surface and soft dentine on the back surface, so that unequal wear keeps the chisel edge sharp.

Hence, they gnaw on branches, tree bark, or tree trunks to help their teeth to wear down properly. Otherwise, the teeth can grow extremely long, causing injury to the roof of their mouth and other mouth parts.



Porcupines have adapted well to a variety of habitats. They can be found in forests, rocky areas, mountains, deserts and croplands.

Old World porcupines dig deep elaborate extensive burrow systems, where a number of them may live in adjoining burrows. These burrow system may be used for many years. Others make their homes in caves, rock crevices, decaying logs and hollow trees.

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Feeding and Breeding

Crested porcupines are, by and large, nocturnal herbivores consuming roots, tubers, fruits and crops. Occasionally they may eat insects, small vertebrates and carrion. Because of their habit of gnawing the bark of rubber trees and eating corn and sweet potato crops, they are regarded as agricultural pests.

Generally solitary animals, porcupines are monogamous and take long intensive care of their young.

They breed twice a year, during March to December, having up to 2-4 young in each litter. The young weighs approx. 12 oz. at birth and nurse for about 3-1/2 months.

Sexual maturity is reached at 9 to 18 months. Mating can understandably be quite a ritual, and takes place only at night.

The female must be receptive or she will act very aggressively towards a courting male.

In the process of an elaborate dance and courtship, the male showers the female with urine. If she is receptive, the male begins by standing motionless in front of the female. He approaches her and retreats back and forth over and over making vocalizations to her.

When she decides the time is right, she put her tail up and he mounts by clasping her sides with his front paws and balancing on his hind feet. No male weight is transferred to the female.

Both males and females grunt, squeal and whine at each other when mating and these sounds may be heard a mile away!

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The reasons for hunting porcupines include acquiring their quills as ornaments and talismans and, in some societies, their meat is considered a delicacy.

Their predators include the lion, leopard, hyena and large birds of prey. Although the porcupine is not an endangered species, they are still not spared loss of habitat as a result of human activities.

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Interesting Facts

Quills are modified hairs. The Old World porcupines (family Hystricidae) have no barbs on their quills.

There could be as many as 30,000 quills on the body, with some quills reaching 35 cm in length. The longest quills tend to be found on the rump and the shortest on the cheeks.

Interestingly, the African porcupine has rattle quills at the end of the tail that emits a hisslike rattle when shaken. In addition, porcupines have long vibrissae (tactile bristle) on the head.

Generally, the quills lie flat and point to the rear, but can be erected instantly when the porcupine is alarmed. When threatened, it puffs up in self-defence. It contracts its muscles as its pulls its head down. The quills stick up all over its back.

This species has rattle quills in its tail that are larger and hollow on the end furthest from the body. As these quills are hollow, they produce a hissing rattle when the tail is vibrated.

If the threatening animal is not deterred, the porcupine charges backwards with quills vibrating loudly. The quills detach automatically when they touch the enemy, lodging in the enemy's flesh. The very sharp tips dig into the enemy.

Each quill has scales near the tip, which work their way into the flesh by muscle action on the part of the victim.

Contrary to popular myth, the porcupine cannot throw or inject its quills!

Fortunately for the females, porcupine babies' quills are soft in the womb and will only harden upon contact with air. Thus, the babies will hide underground until the quills have hardened.

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They live in an underground burrow and are only seen when they come out to feed, the Indonesian porcupines of the Leopard Trail are known to favor unshelled macadamia nuts. According to the Rangers, they will stop at nothing to reach these treats .

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